Friday, September 12, 2014

Best Home Remedies To Get Fair Skin

Fair and white obvious skin is a natural desire of every one. Every one want to save the freshness of skin, especially women are worried about skin.It is the dream of every girl to have a fair white skin, since it makes her look good and attractive beyond doubt. If you really want to have fair skin then you should regularly  take care of you skin.


Just get a tea spoon of  honey and a tea spoon of milk. Mix them and apply it on your face. Gently massage in circular motions and leave this mask for 10 minutes on your face. If you have a dry skin then use full cream milk and for oily skin use low fat milk.


Cucumber is one of the best home remedies for a clear and fair skin. Take a cucumber and crush it and then apply it on your face. Leave it for at least 10 minutes and then wash it away. It will not only fair your skin but will also give fresh and a soothing skin.


Cut lemon into half and use the same to scrub your face, neck and hands to lighten skin tone. Lemon is an excellent bleaching agent & is beneficial for attaining fairness.

Rose water

Rose water promises you a fair skin in very less time. You can purchase already available rose petals or simply peel off rose petals and allow them to soak in water for a day. Now apply this water on face regularly. If possible, whenever you wash your face, you can wash with rose water. Remember not to apply soap when you wash your face with rose water.


Apply the chunks of water melon on your face on summer at least thrice a day to ensure that your face doesn’t turn dark from fair due to tan. You should note that watermelon can be used a precaution and it cannot be used as after effect.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Natural Beauty Remedies For Dry Skin

Dry skin requires particular attention and care as it is prone to a variety of problems. Regular moisturizing and use of other protective lotions and coverings is necessary on a regular basis. This is done to prevent the common conditions that this skin type is susceptible to.

One should need to be very considerate towards his/her skin problems as you may know that the most common ones of all the skin issues are oil and dry skin problems. Therefore, it is very important to let you know about the home remedies for such skin tones because often over the counter remedies are not very effective in dealing with the issue at hand as compared to the home remedies.

Egg Yolk Face Pack

Take one egg together with one teaspoon of milk powder and honey to organize a paste out of it then apply it on your skin for 20 minutes then wash off the face. It is another very beneficial treatment to fight dry skin.

Papaya And Avocado Mask

To deal with oily skin make a paste if you take one slice of papaya, banana and avocado then apply it on your face for 15 minutes for effective results. Papaya is extremely effective in getting rid of dry skin naturally. It doesn't only help in reducing dry skin but also in healing scars.

Aloe Vera

You can also apply aloe vera gel on your face for 30 minutes to fight dryness. It is simple yet extremely effective and easy to do treatment. All that you should do is, extract aloe vera gel from a slice of aloe vera and then use it.

Oil Massage

You may also give yourself oil massage with almond and honey oil right before taking bath. This will help you to keep your skin moist and smooth. Should you could take hot oil massage instead; then it would be better.

Fresh Cream Pack

You may also make another face pack by mixing one teaspoon fresh cream into quarter tea spoon of turmeric and few drops of lemon. When the paste is prepared, you can now put it on on your face for 15 minutes. Afterwards give yourself a massage for 5 minutes before rinsing it with water. Keep repeating this tip for some time until or unless good results start showing.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Foods You Should Eat To Diabetes Control

In diabetes meal planning, blood sugar levels control is the main goal. Typically, individuals with diabetes are advised to follow carbohydrate-controlled diets to be able to minimize blood sugar spikes and manage their disease. Because so many foods contain carbohydrates, this is often a challenge. One must learn not just which foods contain carbohydrates, but exactly how to control those portion sizes and divide the carbohydrate foods appropriately into meals and snacks during the day. Here are some foods that you can follow to consider to a low potassium diabetic diet :


Like bitter gourd, fenugreek can also be bitter, though less in intensity. You may make a vegetable dish out of their leaves or use the seeds inside your food. It's advisable to soak a teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds inside a tumbler of water overnight. Filter it and drink it very first thing in the morning.


Berries includes a low GI value and therefore are considered apt to be included in a diabetic foods. They're low in both fat and carbohydrates which will help curbing the blood sugar levels. Do control the portion size these fruits.

Aloe Vera

The gel of the plant is a good home remedy for diabetes. Mix ½ a teaspoon of roasted and ground bay leaf with ½ teaspoon turmeric and 1 teaspoon natural aloe-vera gel. Have this mixture an hour or so before lunch and dinner. It can take control of your sugar levels.


Tulsi or basil too helps control diabetes. Have a handful of basil leaves and crush them. Soak these questions glass of water overnight and drink the filtered mixture very first thing in the morning. You can also chew on several leaves through the day.


Broccoli is regarded as a healing food. Broccoli helps protecting cells of the body. It reduces the molecules that damages cells. This is quite essential to reduce the risk of cardio-vascular diseases in diabetics.

Friday, January 31, 2014

You Need To Know Yoga Poses For Glowing Skin

Everybody wants immaculate beauty and also the quest for glowing skin always persists. For any perfect glowing skin, people use large amount of cosmetic products but the result they get is nil. So, prepare to get glowing skin naturally. Here we present three major yoga poses which surely provide you with a perfect spotless skin as well as an admiring beauty.


Performing the headstand yoga accelerates the blood flow to the face and also the brain; this way it stops the sagging of your skin and also helps to reduce fine lines. Because it reverses the effect of gravity, additionally, it brings radiance to the face.

Child’s Pose

Brings blood circulation to the face and calms our mind. Imagine dropping all the contents of your brain in to the mat and say bye bye to stressful thoughts as well as your to do list. Take 5 to eight deep full breaths.

Bow Pose

Within this pose, the body bends in a way that it assumes the shape of the bow. Performing this yoga energizes the digestive system and increases the flow of oxygen towards the lungs. It also stretches the spine and core, thus assisting to release the toxins from the blood and glow your skin.

Downward-Facing Dog

Gets the blood pumping throughout our system and releases tension within our head, neck, shoulders, back and hamstrings. Breathe here for 5 to eight full breaths.

Plow Pose

To be able to perform this yoga, you need to lay down on your stomach and stretch your face towards the sky while pushing your torso. This yoga stimulates the thyroid gland and regulates the endocrine system in the body.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kids Friendly Super Foods For Better Health

Filling a lunch box with nutritious options is essential. The contents of a lunch box will assist you to provide a child with enough energy to keep concentration throughout the school day. Without adequate food, concentration and therefore learning ability can waver. Kids the significance of a healthy and nutritious diet is essential. There are lots of nutritious foods which are especially excellent and suited for kids.


They’re packed with lycopene a substance that protects against many cancers. Cooking tomatoes means they are even healthier because the heat releases the lycopene.


Eggs offer protein, and they are one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D, which will help the body absorb calcium. Eating protein breakfast helps kids feel satisfied longer.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter fulfills the need to vitamins, minerals, proteins as well as magnesium in a person’s body and it is pretty tasty for kids to have. Add peanut butter to slices of bread to create a sandwich and feed the children with it.


Apples really are a healthy snack food, since they are lower in calories and have lots of fiber. Like the majority of fruits, apples are are a good snack food. They are juicy, sweet, have ascorbic acid, are low in calories and have about 5g of fiber to have an unpeeled whole apple.

Cocoa Powder

Powered cocoa actually has one of the highest concentrations of flavonoids, a substance known to improve blood pressure and heart and dental health. They may also protect skin from sun-damage.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Foods To Eat For Clear and Acne Free Skin

If you want to get rid of the acne forever and quickly, you have to change you appetite. Foods are full of vitamins and antioxidants that may combat acne. You may think that foods and vegetables are healthy and may spare your health from diseases including those of the skin. However, there are a few foods that may reduce acne.


Bacteria and toxins that aren't released get stored as wastes which eventually leads to acne. Green foods like spinach are full of chlorophyll which helps cleanse bacteria and toxins in the digestive tract and blood stream. Spinach is full of Vitamin A, which naturally serves as an anti-acne agent.


Cherries, blueberries along with other deeply colored berries would be best sources for antioxidants. They assist you in fighting off blemishes. Generally acne causes local oxidative stress, which leads to the depletion of antioxidants. So if you're suffering with severe acne, then you’ll have really low levels of blood antioxidants.


Turmeric fights inflammation and brightens the look of the skin. It also acts as a natural remedy against internal bacteria and toxins that cause acne. Use about ¼ tsp each day for great results.


Carrots are the healthiest go-to snack. They're rich in Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, which prevent acne. Eat carrots plus a healthy diet to reduce acne faster.


Cocoa is full of taste, contains no sugar and it is great for your skin. Dutch, or alkalized fights acne by combating acids that leads to breakouts and inflammation. Additionally, it enhances the blood flow in your skin making your face more radiant and youthful.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Tips To Relieve a Cough in Winter

Cold dry winter air may also make breathing difficult for asthmatics. Difficulty breathing, wheezing, cough or chest tightness may end up. The symptoms can occur during, soon after or several hours after exercise. Since common cold is a very common problem in all seasons particularly winter. We have a special chai recipe that will rejuvenate your entire day by reducing the cough phlegm infection.


Honey like a potential remedy for colds since it coats the throat and relieves irritation (that is what usually triggers a cough). Additionally, it has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, that really help fight infections from viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Stay Warm

The very first precaution you can take would be to keep yourself warm. The more you expose you to ultimately the weather outside, the bug will become popular just as fast and it won’t be pretty.

Essential Oil Steam Bath

A hot steamy bath can also help a nighttime cough. Begin a hot bath using the shower, close the restroom door and let the room get steamy. Give a few drops of eucalyptus or sage in to the tub to soothe a cough and open the chest.

Ginger Tea

Ginger provides a potent natural anti-inflammatory herbal agent. Many people use ginger tea in an effort to soothe their painful throats, although fresh ginger in the produce section of your local supermarket can also be good.


As soon as you feel soreness inside your throat, make it a point to gargle with salt dissolved in tepid to warm water. The salt in the water might help drain excess fluid from inflamed areas within the throat reducing the symptoms. The gargling also removes irritants within the throat and thins the mucus.