Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ways to Induce Labor at 37 Weeks

Most expectant mothers look forward to the moment of holding their tiny baby in their arms. Childbirth is the time of emotional and physical challenge. A would-be-mother goes through the most intense emotions during pregnancy. Though pregnancy is the most beautiful and wonderful time in a woman's life, the moment of childbirth is the one filled with anxiety for expectant mothers. The normal span of pregnancy is nine months or 36 weeks and labor pains or signs are expected just before the due date. However, labor pains are unpredictable and if a woman does not experience any labor pain signs, she must be aware of some methods for inducing labor by 37th week of pregnancy.

Labor pains and its intensity depends on every woman's emotional level. If a woman is mentally stable or calm she might observe labor pains well in time. In case of restlessness, anxiety or fear, labor pains tend to get delayed. Labor pains are unique and different for different women. Some experience them in time while some have to start the process of labor induction. There are two stages of labor; early and active stage and the childbirth stage.

Stages of Childbirth

Early and Active Labor
In the early labor stage, the cervix opens and becomes thin so that the baby slowly begins to move into the birth canal. At that moment, the mother begins to feel strong contractions, which last for a few seconds and appear after every 5-20 minutes. By the time the mother reaches active labor, her contractions become even more strong and the frequency level of these contractions rise. At this stage, it is preferred to head to the hospital.

This is the most painful stage and a mother has to take a lot of efforts to push the baby out. This stage might take few minutes or sometimes hours.

The normal span of pregnancy being 36 weeks, the mother must begin to get into labor naturally. However, if she gets late by one or two weeks she must know how to stimulate labor naturally. A woman can choose to induce labor using natural ways that are safe and effective. Most common ways of natural labor inductions at 37 weeks are given below.

Ways of Labor Induction

Two of the most useful and commonly used herbs are black and blue cohosh. These herbs help in initiating labor and increase contractions. Thus, these herbs must be taken when a mother is trying to induce labor at 37 or 38 weeks. These herbs help in increasing the contractions.

Making Love
Though making love is the last thing a woman would desire at 9 months of pregnancy, it is helpful in inducing labor. It is said that a sexual intercourse increases the contractions and the semen helps in dilating the cervix, resulting into labor.

Who would want to say no to food especially when you are pregnant? Spicy food works as the best key in giving rise to labor. The spices used in the food increase the production of prostaglandin, which stimulates labor. So, feel free to have some of your most favorite spicy dishes.

This is the most safe and natural way of inducing labor and is one of the best exercises. Towards the end of pregnancy, women tend to get restless. Their anxiety level is at the peak. Walking helps to calm and relax the mind and to bring down anxiety levels. It also stimulates the muscles and prepares them for bearing contractions.

So, if you are expecting a baby and haven't yet experienced labor pain and want to know the ways to stimulate labor naturally, then read out the above mentioned tips. These natural ways are the safest to induce labor at 38 weeks too. However, it is important to undertake one of these methods in case of delay in delivery date.

A pregnant woman has different options if she chooses to undertake natural labor induction. Other than these natural ways, she can consult a doctor to help her stimulate labor. The most common medicine used for starting labor is pitocin. This drug is taken in a liquid form and used to achieve a contraction. The hormone oxytocin, plays an important role in increasing contractions and the drug, pitocin replicates the action of oxytocin.

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