Thursday, October 17, 2013

Uses Of Rose Water For Healthy Skin

Rose water is a natural miracle. It is naturally rich in Vitamin A and C and antioxidants that help in reviving tired skin and giving it a glowing complexion.

Rose Water is a natural astringent with anti-inflammatory qualities, as well as being excellent for hydrating and rejuvenating the skin.

Rose Water For Skin :

Rosewater-Glycerin Cleanser: 
Add two spoons of glycerin and a few drops of rose essential oil to a cup of rose water. Use it as a cleanser for your face. It is very gentle on your skin and helps to lessen chances of getting fine lines.

Rosewater-Lemon Juice Skin Tonic :
Mix rose water and lemon juice in equal quantities. Wash your face, preferably with warm water since that would help to open up the pores. Apply the mixture on the affected area and wait for fifteen minutes. It is useful to reduce pimples and acne.

Rosewater-Sandalwood Pack :
Add one spoon of sandalwood powder with one spoon of rosewater. Apply the paste on your face to get rid of acnes. This must be done once in a week.

Rosewater-Almonds face Pack (for dry skin) :
Make a paste of almonds and combine it with rose water. You may also add some honey. This face pack is excellent for dry skin.

Rosewater-Honey face Pack (for sensitive skin) : 
Mix rosewater, milk and honey. Add some oatmeal and make a paste. Apply it on your face and let it dry. Rinse with cold water.

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