Thursday, October 24, 2013

Effective Herbal Remedies For Breast Care

Home remedies can be applied to breast care. The best part of using these herbal remedies is that they do not have any side effects and along with breasts, they are also good for the entire body as a whole. Some of the herbal remedies for breast care are:

Herbal Remedies For Breast Care :

Fenugreek Seeds :
Fenugreek seeds are very healthy and cures a lot of health concerns. Though initially your breasts may not seem like a problem, but you can always keep the problems at bay and ensure that the breasts remain firm and healthy.

Green Tea :
Take few leaves of the blessed thistle and crush them. Add a little water to make a paste. Massage this paste gently on your breasts for a few minutes. Repeat this procedure 2 times daily for best results.

Perform Hydro Massage :
Hydro massage technique is one very effective way at all to avoid wrinkles that occur in the breast area. This hydro massage you can do yourself. How hydro massage is to massage the breast that had previously been washed first with cold water, then massage in a clockwise direction for approximately 10 minutes.

Raspberry Leaves :
Raspberry leaves are known as a very useful and beneficial herbal plant for centuries. The leaves too taste good and smell even better. These leaves can promote healthy breasts besides helps aid enough milk for breastfeeding mothers.

Dandelion Root :
Some people who rely on dandelion root for other health problems, they can use this as part of their breast care routine too. All you need to do is make a paste of the crushed roots and apply it on the breasts.

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