Treat your body to a rewarding massage. The right oil can turn a regular massage into something truly special. It will energize and revive your body but next to that, it provides a total relaxation for your mind. The main purpose of massage oils is to lubricate the skin to reduce friction while performing a massage. This helps give a smooth glide and easy work ability to the skin surface.
Jojoba Oil
This is actually a wax product that comes from the associated plant. It goes on gently and usually doesn’t end up irritating skin, even for people who suffer from blemishes and acne. In fact, it has been used successfully for people with back acne because of its antibacterial properties.
Apricot kernel oil
An excellent massage oil for reducing stress, it is very good for all types of skin, especially skin that is aging prematurely.
Olive Oil
This oil is obviously known for cooking more than it is for massage. It’s more of a last resort item if you can’t find anything else, and most people tend to avoid it because of its heavy association with food.
Almond Oil
A light oil, it is also anti-inflammatory. It is especially good for dry skin, although it is beneficial for most types of skin.
Sunflower Oil
The oil, extracted from sunflower seeds, is rich in the essential fatty acid linoleic acid, as well as palmitic acid and stearic acid, all components required for a healthy skin. But sunflower oil can go rancid quickly, so it should be purchased in small quantities and stored in a dark cool area.
Jojoba Oil
This is actually a wax product that comes from the associated plant. It goes on gently and usually doesn’t end up irritating skin, even for people who suffer from blemishes and acne. In fact, it has been used successfully for people with back acne because of its antibacterial properties.
Apricot kernel oil
An excellent massage oil for reducing stress, it is very good for all types of skin, especially skin that is aging prematurely.
Olive Oil
This oil is obviously known for cooking more than it is for massage. It’s more of a last resort item if you can’t find anything else, and most people tend to avoid it because of its heavy association with food.
Almond Oil
A light oil, it is also anti-inflammatory. It is especially good for dry skin, although it is beneficial for most types of skin.
Sunflower Oil
The oil, extracted from sunflower seeds, is rich in the essential fatty acid linoleic acid, as well as palmitic acid and stearic acid, all components required for a healthy skin. But sunflower oil can go rancid quickly, so it should be purchased in small quantities and stored in a dark cool area.
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