Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Health Benefits Of Running

Running is one of the best ways to strengthen the center and ensure the efficient flow of blood and oxygen through the body, which helps decrease your chance of a heart attack. Regular exercise such as running, coupled with maintaining a healthy weight, is among the best ways to naturally reduce your blood pressure level if it’s above normal.

The Health Benefits Of Running :

Weight Loss 

Walking is perfect for maintaining your weight and running is perfect for shedding the extra pounds. Running works well for weight loss to great extent. It's a cardio exercise that burns calories helping speed up your metabolism.

Running To Happiness

Ever felt a feeling of elation during or following a run? That feeling is known as runners high. Running is known to improve humour and patience and be sure an easy-going attitude throughout the day.

It can make You Strong

Running works your legs, hamstrings and abs, so it’s a terrific way to tone up your body. It can also strengthen your bones and stop muscle loss, helping the body to slow the effects of ageing and you feeling lean and powerful for years to come.

Reduce Anxiety 

Runners have a lower level of anxiety compared to those who don't run. Regular training reduces the activity from the serotonin receptors in the brain which regulate mood. Reduced sensitivity of those receptors to stimulation might explain the results of exercise on anxiety.

Cuts Health problems 

Running is supposed to cut perils of several dangerous diseases like cancer, obesity and asthma. Generally, you will live longer and healthier if you're a runner.

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