Friday, November 1, 2013

Health Benefits Of Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is a commonly used herb that is also classed as a spice, renowned for its peppery aroma and bright golden colour. It is used in a variety of dishes all over the world. Turmeric, also known as curcuma longa, is a very common herb. Turmeric is an important medicinal plants that has been used by Indians and other south-east countries from many centuries as a condiment for food preparation.

Health Benefits Of Turmeric Powder :
  • By reducing a buildup of plaque in the brain, turmeric can enhance cognitive function and improve brain health, including preventing Alzheimer’s disease and even offering some antidepressant effects.

  • It is believed to help treat osteoarthritis by reducing inflammation and swelling.
  • Turmeric contains a substance known as lipopolysaccharide, which helps stimulate the body’s immune system. Its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents also help strengthen the immune system.
  • If you do get a cold, a cough or the flu, you can feel better sooner by mixing one teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk and drinking it once daily.
  • Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic that has historically been used as an herbal salve to treat everything from minor cuts and scrapes to scabies, skin ulcers and even leprosy.
  • Turmeric supports the digestive system in several ways. By increasing the flow of bile, turmeric helps to keep digestion on track. This herb also contains essential oils that can prevent gas.
  • All the agents including the antiviral and antifungal agents present in turmeric, make it an effective medicine to prevent and treat cancer. These elements also improve the cell and immune system functions, which are the most important factors for the prevention and treatment.
  • Some people have skin pigmentation, some areas of the skin are lighter or darker than the whole body. This is a health condition which can be cured by the application of turmeric. Apply this simple paste and notice the major difference.

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